Random webpage$ 20241011
https://05.com.au/ = a looping b$ even when grantedd from court the Licence Restoration Order that still hasn't restoredd my licence that wasn't suspended though cancelled because i said to the question of unknown other drug in system "I should a known better" when i should of told them the truth that i forgot that at the time i was on depot antipsychotic injections z fortnight to dumb me down to extent of saying and forgetting such duressed clockwork puncturing first fifty plus in the ass cheek then said stop bending me at least inject my arms shoulders to earn stripes?/z! Anyhow anough of me on in this train almost I think at the city I still have 47minsz till it's 11am so yeah...
OCD'd T!ME $+4MP:
10:13am Fr1day 20241011-DANDE
I've had over 200 unwanted forced to have intramuscular injections against my will or missing person and police take me to hospital that used to be the case till Jesus Chryst and having olanzapine every night with not being on a cto anymore helpsz!